All photos ©838MG
805 217 5245 [ash] | | | | |
Ash's talents are far-reaching as he continues to give back by spearheading a program which caters to young up-&-coming artists of all mediums. Through the progressive 838 Media Group, Ash mentors a small group of talented actors, filmmakers, models, & photographers, aiding & directing them to their goals in the entertainment industry. His teachings reach beyond the mechanics of taking a picture to working with people & building a network within the industry.
Ash Gupta is an Fine art photographer, a photography created in accordance with the vision of the artist as photographer. as an Fine art photography stands in contrast to representational photography, which provides an artistic visual account of specific subjects and events, literally re-presenting objective reality rather than the subjective intent of the photographer; and as well Ash have the great commercial photography background by clint and celebrity in hollywood entertainment and film industries, the primary focus of which is to editorial article, advertise products or services.